When there’s pain in your life what do you do?
As you are reading an art blog and I'm presenting you my art studio neighbor and artist, Joy Hilley., you may think we are about to offer you creative ways to answer this question (but no). However, there's a way of looking at life that is restoring, and we are going to dive in as I introduce you to Joy.
''B E A U T Y W I L L S A V E T H E W O R L D''
Penned by Fyodor Dostoevsky, best expresses Joy Hilley’s sense of purpose—to create visual works of art and sacred spaces that promote beauty in the world.
Untitled 34. Size: 30” x 24”x1.5” by J.H. Gallery-wrapped canvas
Chalk paint, gold metal leaf.
Joy’s primary medium is chalk paint. Although rarely used for fine art, chalk paint enables her to create many thin layers to gain depth and texture. During quarantine, she began exploring watercolor as well. The contrast in mediums is a source of personal challenge for her, which she enjoys bringing to life.
Title: Thin Places 75. 60”x72”x2” by J.H. Gallery-wrapped canvas
chalk paint, metallic acrylics, gold metal leaf
When I learned more about her message, a couple things hit me:
- ''Seeking beauty is actually our responsibility''- in her own words.
- Joy's faith is a surprise factor within her work. - It almost feels spiritual!
We all come from different backgrounds, so it's hard to connect in religion with the world. However, we all look forward to feel great peace, to thrive, to grow, to learn, to heal, etc. - I love this, and I'm not ever religious like that!
When I interviewed Ms. Hilley for this blog, things got interesting. She reaffirmed to me that faith informs everything she does, - and I sensed that her message had something to do with faith itself!
Angels: Mighty Warriors Collection by J.H.
5”x7”x1.5” gallery-wrapped canvas
By the power of the holy spirit she wishes to transmit healing and good faith. Sometimes these themes are less obvious than others...
When there's pain in your life, her work is here to remind us that you should seek beauty.
Move forward and seek beauty! Life is about moments that last, change and transform us. To come across beauty sometimes is less obvious than others. Witnessing a great work of art, a child giggle at the park or watching an older couple holding hands is obviously beautiful to me, while remaining disciplined through my goals is a painful- beautiful thing too.
If seeking beauty was our conscious responsibility, just like brushing our teeth, perhaps overcoming life's challenges and approaching sacred places would be easier.
Approaching Sacred Places with Joy Hilley
Let's face it! Anything made grace and attention to detail is a sacred luxury good. Art is so vast, magical and wonderful... but today, the twist is about our hope and faith.
''When everything is broken, we have an obligation to turn and seek for beauty.''- Joy Hilley
We encourage you to find beauty as if you had no choice, in good faith, and with great willingness as if this was your responsibility.
Title: Walk This Way. By J.H. Size: 60”x40”x1.5” gallery-wrapped canvas
Chalk paint and gold metal leaf
The majority of Joy paintings are abstract- to spark the viewer's own imagination, invite conversation and embrace mystery. I do acknowledge the light in my studio neighbor and the quality in her work, which is why we both got together to collaborate.
''Thin places'' is a series of contemporary- abstract works, among her collection, that I enjoy the most. In the Celtic Christian tradition, ''thin places'' exist where heaven and earth touch, and we sense the presence of the Holy One even more deeply. With gold metal leaf to represent the Holy Spirit and three marks for the Trinity, the Thin Places series offers hope for today and always.
Title: Small Thin Places by J.H. 8”x10”x1.5” (or 10”x8”x1.5”)
Medium: chalk paint, metallic acrylics, and gold metal leaf
The following couple of pieces incorporate our approach, my technique combined with hers and one of a kind original works available for purchase. You guys, this is the result when you mix us!
Title: Thin Places Special Edition I & II by VIII x Joy Hilley.
(Click image above for more information).
Both of these pieces align with her message and our passion to create beauty.Our color palette was chosen in accordance with Spring/Summer 2021- 2022 high-fashion trends.
If you wish to get in contact for any inquiries, we are at your service. - our contact information is at the end of this blog.
Tell Me More about Joy Hilley.
Joy Hilley is a religious member of the Episcopial Church., she also offers readers a blue print for creating an inner sanctuary, a haven of rest, using the wisdom she has gained from nearly forty years of teaching the Bible and leading prayers with women, men, and kids.
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Joy H. holds a master’s degree from Asbury Theological Seminary and a bachelor’s from the University of Kentucky. She and her husband, Joe, are the parents of two young adults—a professional ballerina and a photography student. The Hilley family has made Houston their home since 2011 after deciding that this was the best move for their daughter's dream- career.
Contact Information
You are invited to tour both of our studio's based at The Sawyer Yards in Houston Texas to preview more artwork.
For any inquiries and/ or to learn more about this collection, you can email val@8artco.com & joy@joyhilley.com., or simply contact Joy directly- Please let her know you were referred by Val! (VIII Art Co)
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